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Ambient + 5°C to 450°C temperature range dry block has ±0.4°C high accuracy with well to well radial uniformity to 0.020°C.
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Dry block with temperature range from ambient +5°C to 400°C has ±0.6°C display accuracy and 0.15°C stability after 15 minutes.
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Ambient +11 to 260°C temperature range dry block with ±1.5°C accuracy and ±0.15°C stability. 4 different well styles available. Click here to see.
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-5 to 125°C temperature range dry block provides ±0.8°C accuracy with fast heating time. RS232 output and free SW. click here to see more features.
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The TCL series of Dry Block and Micro Bath calibrators feature Extremely High Accuracy and Stability with a Certificate of Calibration Included with every unit.