The Newest PLATINUM Series Benchtop Controller CS8DPT CS8DPT is Available Now!
The CSi32 Series is Omega's benchtopcontrollers. They feature a 1/32 DINsize (96 x 48 mm) digital panelcontroller in a rugged benchtopmetal enclosure. The controllerused is Omega's award winning andpatented iSeries with color-changingdisplay. The iSeries meters featurethe only LED displays that can beprogrammed to change colorbetween RED, GREEN, and AMBER at any setpoint or alarm point.Other options include, serialcommunications. Thesecontrollers can be purchased with the inputfactory configured for one of 10common types ofthermocouples, multiple RTDtypes, or process (DC) voltageand current. They are ideal forlaboratory use and applications requiring portable temperature andprocess control. Pre-wired input andoutput receptacles in the rear of thecase enable quick and easyconnections to power, input, poweroutput and digital communications.The iSeries are full PID controllerswith Autotune and can also beprogrammed for On/Offcontrol via the front panel orthrough the use of a PC andthe free configurationsoftware. The iSeriesconfiguration software isdesigned to interface withthe any of the iSeriescontrollers and the CSi32Series benchtopcontrollers with optionalcommunicationhardware.