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The MMI-01 is an easy-to-use, flexibledevice that allows an operator to enter movespeeds, move distances or repeat loopcounts. Messages can also be displayed andthe program can be paused until the userpresses a key, such as ENTER, YES or NO.Program branching can be accomplishedbased on the response of YES or NO. TheMMI-01 is compact, easy to install andcarries a NEMA 4/12 (IP56/52) rating(the 4 x 20 character display and 20-keymembrane keypad are sealed). Connectionto any of our "Si" or "i" indexer drives isaccomplished by the standard programmingcable that is supplied with every drive. Thiscable also supplies power to the MMI-01 sothat no additional power supply or wiring isneeded. Set-up and programming of theMMI-01 is fast and easy. Our programmable"Si" or "i" drives are furnished with Si™Programmer software, which allows the userto easily program instructions for the terminal. Complex,confusing items like baudrate, parity and cursorpositioning are handledautomatically by thesoftware. On-screenemulation of the MMI-01by the Si™ Programmersoftware allows apotential user to try theMMI before purchasing one.